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Center Smart Industrial Agriculture

In view of increasing demands in the global food supply, agricultural processes require an increase in productivity while at the same time conserving resources.

The Center Smart Industrial Agriculture (CSIA) enables the introduction of forward-looking processes and tools from production technology into agriculture through a collaboration between companies in agriculture, the food industry and scientists of RWTH Aachen University. Using current potential from sensor technology, mobile robotics, production management and process automation, the aim is to create a cost-optimized and sustainable production of agricultural goods in soil-based (smart agriculture) and soil-independent (industrial agriculture) production.

Member companies of the center have access to the comprehensive technical expertise and infrastructure of RWTH Aachen Campus, especially the Production Engineering Cluster.

Learn more


27.06.2023 | Robots and field monitoring as the main points of the last Community Meeting 2023

The third Community Meeting of 2023 enabled a cross-regional exchange between representatives from industry and research in digital form. Highlights of the future-oriented presentations…

30.03.2023 | Industry and research working together for the future of agriculture

In March 2023, the first community meeting planned by the Center Smart Industrial Agriculture was attended by representatives of industry partners and research institutesDuring…

29.11.2022 | One step closer to an ecologically, socially and economically sustainable agricultural sector

The year 2022 concluded with a visit to the OrbiPlant facility of the Fraunhofer IME, start-up pitches, exciting presentations, various workshops and mulled wine…


Portraitfoto von Prof. Brecher


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Brecher

Prof. Brecher is Chair of the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University. Six research areas focus on machine technology, automation technology, machine data analysis, gear technology, precision machines, and fiber composite and laser system technology. Its objective is application-oriented research that takes into account the needs and requirements of manufacturers and users. Many years of research work in the field of control technology and automation lay the foundation for new approaches in the entire agricultural industry.

Portraitfoto Prof. Günther Schuh


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. Günther Schuh

As Chair of Production Engineering, Prof. Schuh is a driving force behind the interconnection between academia and industry at the Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University. In the Center Smart Industrial Agriculture, he represents competences around the topics of innovation management, production management and integrated product and process development. His main focus is on a holistic production system design for sustainable agriculture.

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schwaneberg


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schwaneberg

Prof. Schwaneberg is Chair of Biotechnology at RWTH Aachen University. The scientific focus and expertise of his research group is protein design. The group combines methods of directed evolution with rational design approaches to identify fundamental design principles of proteins and improve their properties. Practical applications include release systems in the fields of crop protection and medicine (conjugated to micro gels), dealing with challenges related to microplastics, and (antimicrobial) coating of surfaces (as bi-functional fusion peptides).

Center Management

Michael Riesener

Dr.-Ing. Michael Riesener

Managing Director
Phone: +49 151 55059207

Philipp Blanke

Philipp Blanke

Managing Director
Phone: +49 174 6731418

Maximilian Ruschmeier

Maximilian Ruschmeier

Center Director
Phone: +49 241 80-20679